How to use Adobe Creative Cloud
On the Web:
-Go to
-Select "Sign in"
-Enter your Penn email address: *****
-Select "Continue"
-You will either be prompted to enter a password or your Pennkey credentials.
-Once logged in, select "Apps"
Select "Desktop" from the top of the page
-Here's where you can find applications you can install onto your computer.
-Select "Web" from the top of the page.
-Here's where you can find application you can use on the web.
*Note: You might not have access to all Adobe applications. If you have any questions, contact the Helpdesk.*
On your Desktop:
-Open the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop Client
-Enter your Penn email address: *****
-Select "Continue"
-You will either be prompted to enter a password or your Pennkey credentials.
-You should now be logged into Adobe Creative Cloud.
-Select “All Apps” on the left side of your screen.
-Select “Desktop” at the top of the page
-Search for the application you would like to use.
-You can install the desktop client onto your laptop.
-If you prefer to use the application on the web, select “Web” at the top of the page.
*Note: You might not have access to all Adobe applications. If you have any questions, contact the Helpdesk.*